Posted by Sean Paddy on May 19, 2017


In response to feedback from Rotary clubs around the world, RI wants to let clubs know about an important change that may affect their annual respective Rotary membership number. This change will ensure that all 2016-17 membership achievements are accurately recorded and that a club’s July invoice reflects the correct membership at the beginning of the new Rotary year.
Previously, RI's policy included new members added with a 1 July effective date in the calculation of the annual 1 July membership start number, which was also used for recognizing membership achievements for the immediately previous Rotary year. This calculation method resulted in substantial confusion and frustration for clubs that expected these new members to be counted in their net membership increase for the new year rather than the previous year.
Going forward, if your club has new members it wants counted in its membership achievements for the current Rotary year, it must now be reported to RI on or before 30 June.
  • Members added with 1 July 2017 effective dates will no longer be included in a club's annual 1 July 2017 membership start number, but they will be billed on the 1 July 2017 club invoice and counted toward 2017-18 membership growth.
  • Members terminated with effective dates on or before 1 July 2017 will reduce a club’s 2016-17 membership achievement, reduce a club's 1 July 2017 membership start number, and will not be billed on the 1 July 2017 club invoice.
As a result, it is possible for a club’s July 2017 annual membership start number to be lower than its July 2017 invoice if new members were added with a 1 July 2017 effective date. Below are two examples of how the changes would affect a club’s 2017 annual membership start number and July 2017 invoice number.
30 June 2017: 60 members30 June 2017: 40 members
1 July 2017: +15 members (these 1 July membership changes will not affect the 1 July 2017 annual membership start number)1 July 2017: -12 members (these 1 July membership changes will affect the 1 July 2017 annual membership start number)
1 July 2017 annual membership start number: 60 members1 July 2017 annual membership start number: 28 members
July 2017 invoice number: 75 membersJuly 2017 invoice number: 28 members
In summary, beginning immediately with the 2016-17 Rotary year, new members added on or before 30 June will count toward the current Rotary year, while members added with 1 July effective dates will count toward the new Rotary year.
RI hopes this change simplifies a club's reporting and reflects its membership more accurately.
If you have any questions, you can send them to