Posted by Sean Paddy on Jun 18, 2019
Rotary's People of Action campaign tells the world Rotarians are people of action. But are we as Rotarians being people of action when it comes to that very campaign? Faced with a tight budget, many rotary leaders think there is little room in their spending plan for discretionary items like People of Action ads. The campaign is designed to increase awareness in Rotary and our humanitarian efforts. The desired result is membership growth, which ultimately grows dues and our budget. So isn’t it ironic that it is among the last things we tend to fund?
How To Be Innovative With People of Action Campaign
Sean Paddy
2019-06-18 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Sean Paddy on Jun 11, 2019
Rotary’s new strategic plan is underpinned by four key priorities – to increase our impact, expand our reach, enhance participant engagement, and increase our ability to adapt. The emergence of new club models is evidence that Rotary clubs and districts are working actively to advance these priorities.
New Rotary Club Models Enhance Connections
Sean Paddy
2019-06-11 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Sean Paddy on May 01, 2019
Have you visited the Brand Center lately? They’ve added a new video, “Power in Our Connections,” that you can share on social media. By doing so, you become part of Rotary International's public image campaign, helping to show how we are all People of Action.
Newest Addition To The Brand Center
Sean Paddy
2019-05-01 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Sean Paddy on Mar 13, 2019
The desire to give back, become involved in your community, create connections, and use one’s skills to benefit others is a cornerstone of civil society. But how can young people find these opportunities while facing the challenges of a widening skills gap, lost personal connections through digital isolation, and an uncertain future?
Young People Can Make Their Mark Through Rotary
Sean Paddy
2019-03-13 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Sean Paddy on Feb 20, 2019
Like many Rotary clubs, the Rotary Club of Humboldt, Tennessee, USA was looking for ways to boost its membership two years ago when it heard about the flexible and innovative club models being promoted out of Rotary headquarters. They were excited and did a bit of research to see if one option, corporate membership, would work for them...the results have been phenomenal.
Is A Corporate Membership Plan Right For You?
Sean Paddy
2019-02-20 05:00:00Z |
Posted by Sean Paddy on Feb 19, 2019
Innovation and flexibility. Those are two words you hear a lot today when we think about any organization adapting to a rapidly changing environment. But what do those two words mean for Rotary?
How Do We Innovate At Rotary?
Sean Paddy
2019-02-19 05:00:00Z |
Posted by Sean Paddy on Feb 05, 2019
The social media team at Rotary headquarters is encouraged to see a growing number of clubs adopt social media to promote Rotary and tell their stories. The team realizes that keeping up with all the changes to social media can be challenging. So here is one of the exciting new features been used to tell Rotary’s story and give you a few tips for creating your own.
How To Create Your Own Instagram Story
Sean Paddy
2019-02-05 05:00:00Z |
Posted by Sean Paddy on Dec 20, 2018
For the past few years, Rotary International has been promoting Reconnect Week as a time to remind Rotary clubs of the value of reaching out and “reconnecting” with alumni of Rotary programs like Interact, Rotaract, scholarships, Rotary Peace Fellowships, youth exchange and other regional programs. But celebrating alumni and making them feel welcome to your club is something you can and should do year-round. Alumni of Rotary make great leaders and innovators and may possess the skills you need for your next service project.
5 Ways To Reconnect With Alumni In 2019
Sean Paddy
2018-12-20 05:00:00Z |
Posted by Sean Paddy on Oct 30, 2018
It’s hard to believe that social media has been around for more than twenty years. From the early days of crafting the perfect AIM away message in the late ‘90s to the rise of sharing photography on Instagram … social media has certainly come a long way and continues to evolve. It’s important to remember why we started getting “social” in the first place: to connect with one another. Sharing stories that show Rotarians as People of Action on social media is an easy and effective way to amplify your club’s success to the world and build awareness and understanding of what we do.
7 Tips For Creating Compelling Social Media Content
Sean Paddy
2018-10-30 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Sean Paddy on Oct 23, 2018
Over the last year, there have been many stories highlighting club projects in Nassau, Bahamas, and Seattle, Washington, USA. Each project demonstrates how Rotarians take action to solve problems in their own communities. These type of projects translate well into visual storytelling content. A good approach to photography remains consistent with the Rotary brand - one that strives to make authentic images that represent the values and personality of Rotary. Because of this, appealing images are created and tell a bigger story – one that reflects the projects and people who make the world a better place.
How To Improve Your Photography: Telling Rotary’s Story In Pictures
Sean Paddy
2018-10-23 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Sean Paddy on Aug 01, 2018
Rotary, like any business, has customers. For us, those customers are our members and we must provide value to assure satisfied customers. The key to attracting and retaining young professional “customers” is presenting a Value Proposition that is attractive.
What Value Does Your Club Have For Young Professionals?
Sean Paddy
2018-08-01 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Sean Paddy on Dec 12, 2017
Competition Builds Club Spirit and Membership The Rotary Club of Jonesboro, Arkansas, USA, gave a membership drive a competitive twist. Teams vied for glory in recruiting members, and the result was 24 new Rotarians. Looking for ways to recruit new members and engage current members, the Rotary Club of Jonesboro decided to harness the competitive spirit. In March 2016, it mounted a membership drive with teams competing to bring in the most new members.
Club Innovation...
Sean Paddy
2017-12-12 05:00:00Z |
Posted by Sean Paddy on Dec 05, 2017
Engaging With Prospective Members As the new year approaches, people around the world will make resolutions to live happier, more meaningful, more productive lives in 2018. Perhaps they want to get involved and give back to their community. Maybe they want to improve the world on a larger scale. Or they might be hoping to make new friends or professional connections. Is your club following up with prospective members?
Membership: New Year, New Connections
Sean Paddy
2017-12-05 05:00:00Z |
Posted by Sean Paddy on Dec 01, 2017
400 million people in the world can’t afford or don’t have access to basic health care resulting in misery, pain, and poverty. Which is why Rotary members are devoted to fighting and preventing diseases. From setting up temporary clinics, blood donation centers, and training facilities in under-served communities to designing and building infrastructure allowing doctors, patients, and governments to work together, Rotary members take on efforts both large and small.
DECEMBER Is Disease Prevention & Treatment Month
Sean Paddy
2017-12-01 05:00:00Z |
Posted by Sean Paddy on Nov 28, 2017
Today (28 November) is Giving Tuesday! It happens once a year, but your gift to The Rotary Foundation will make a difference for a lifetime. This Giving Tuesday, you can start the holiday season on a charitable note by making a gift to The Rotary Foundation, and together we can continue Doing Good in the World. Why should Rotary be your charity of choice? Because our 1.2 million members see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change — across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves.
Giving Tuesday: Support The Rotary Foundation
Sean Paddy
2017-11-28 05:00:00Z |
Posted by Sean Paddy on Nov 23, 2017
A Facebook page gives your club a voice on Facebook. With so much other “noise” on social media, there are several things you can do to raise your club’s page above the distractions.
Increasing Club Facebook Presence
Sean Paddy
2017-11-23 05:00:00Z |
Posted by Sean Paddy on Nov 21, 2017
Through the SHARE system, contributions to The Rotary Foundation are transformed into grants that fund local and international humanitarian projects, scholarships, and activities, such as vocational training teams. At the end of every Rotary year, contributions directed to the Annual Fund-SHARE from all Rotary clubs in the district are divided between the World Fund and the District Designated Fund, or DDF. Learn more...
The Annual Fund & SHARE System
Sean Paddy
2017-11-21 05:00:00Z |
Posted by Sean Paddy on Nov 14, 2017
The Practice Lab: Hands-on training for Rotary's online tools The Practice Lab trains your clubs and districts in Rotary’s online tools, topics, and resources. It’s a replica of My Rotary, so you see actual screens and use actual functions in a practice environment. The Practice Lab is a dynamic resource that allows learners to gain experience with Rotary's online tools in a risk-free setting. Learn more about the Practice Lab...
Trainers Love The Practice Lab
Sean Paddy
2017-11-14 05:00:00Z |
Posted by Sean Paddy on Nov 09, 2017
As more and more of our daily activities, interactions, and transactions happen on our computers and mobile phones, it makes sense that our charitable giving has started to move to the digital sphere. Online contributions to The Rotary Foundation have increased steadily over the past five years.
Online Giving - Why It Matters
Sean Paddy
2017-11-09 05:00:00Z |
Posted by Sean Paddy on Nov 07, 2017
World Interact Week is 30 October to 5 November this year...Whether it’s the friendships formed, the outstanding service projects completed, dedicated club advisors, want to know what makes an Interact club GREAT? To celebrate World Interact Week Interact clubs were asked "what makes your club great?" Clubs from around the world shared their stories and here are five showcased as an example of the great work of Rotary youth.
World Interact Week
Sean Paddy
2017-11-07 05:00:00Z |
Posted by Sean Paddy on Nov 01, 2017
The Rotary Foundation transforms your gifts into service projects that change lives both close to home and around the world. During the past 100 years, the Foundation has spent $3 billion on life-changing, sustainable projects. With your help, we can make lives better in your community and around the world. Find our more about our Foundation...
NOVEMBER Is Rotary Foundation Month
Sean Paddy
2017-11-01 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Sean Paddy on Oct 31, 2017
Rotary members in Harvard, Illinois, USA, have teamed up with community groups to help alleviate hunger and bring the community together. As many as 250 needy families benefit from the 10,000 pounds of vegetables that are grown in a community garden and donated every year to the local food pantry. With only seven members, the club has had an impact far beyond its size, amplifying its efforts by partnering with others.
The Power Of A Garden
Sean Paddy
2017-10-31 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Sean Paddy on Oct 26, 2017
RI President Riseley is asking Rotary members to work together to advance the tradition of Rotary: Making a Difference in 2017-18. He is challenging all 1.2 million Rotarians to simply plant a tree before Earth Day on 22 April 2018. The Environmental Sustainability Rotarian Action Group has compiled inspirational ideas and helpful tips to aid clubs in meeting the challenge.
Resources To Meet RI President Riseley’s Tree-Planting Challenge
Sean Paddy
2017-10-26 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Sean Paddy on Oct 24, 2017
You don’t have to buy a plane ticket to participate in this year’s World Polio Day festivities at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s facility in downtown Seattle, Washington, USA. You can watch the event live on 24 October at 14:30 Seattle time (UTC-7) for an update on our global campaign to eradicate polio. In case you miss it, a recording of the livestream will also be available later.
Today Is World Polio Day
Sean Paddy
2017-10-24 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Sean Paddy on Oct 19, 2017
According to the United Nations, global unemployment increased from 170 million people in 2007 to nearly 202 million in 2012, about 75 million of whom were young women and young men. Nearly 2.2 billion people live below the poverty line of $2 per day, and the world needs 30 million new jobs every year to keep up with the growth of the global working-age population. During October, Rotary Economic and Community Development Month, take action within your communities to address root causes of poverty: unemployment, underemployment, lack of economic opportunity, lack of appropriate training, and the absence of social safety nets. Read on for ideas to help grow local economies. It is a great opportunity to leverage your vocational skills to help meet the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 8: promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment, and decent work for all. Read on for ideas on how to empower members of your community.
Making A Difference During Rotary's Economic and Community Development Month
Sean Paddy
2017-10-19 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Sean Paddy on Oct 17, 2017
Habitat for Humanity is pleased to announce its new partnership with Rotary International. Rotary brings together a global network of members and volunteer leaders dedicated to tackling the world’s humanitarian challenges. The partnership will facilitate collaboration between local Rotary clubs and local Habitat for Humanity organizations, expanding Habitat’s volunteer pool by tapping into Rotary’s 1.2 million members in 200 countries and regions.
Rotary Announces Partnership With Habitat For Humanity
Sean Paddy
2017-10-17 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Sean Paddy on Oct 03, 2017
On 24th October, World Polio Day is going to be bigger than ever, and Rotary wants everyone to be a part of it. Help Rotary and the global health community make polio eradication a trending topic around the world. Rotary has made a lot of progress fighting polio over the years, but we all still have a lot more work to do to eradicate it for good and need your help to make that happen. See how Rotary clubs are celebrating World Polio Day this year...
Be A Part of World Polio Day 2017
Sean Paddy
2017-10-03 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Sean Paddy on Oct 01, 2017
Nearly 800 million people live on less than $1.90 a day. Rotary members are passionate about providing sustainable solutions to poverty. Rotary members and the Rotary foundation work to strengthen local entrepreneurs and community leaders, particularly women, in impoverished communities. Rotary provides training and access to well-paying jobs and financial management institutions.
OCTOBER Is Economic and Community Development Month
Sean Paddy
2017-10-01 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Sean Paddy on Sep 26, 2017
With the Holiday Season drawing near, every Rotarian knows that with it comes one of the best times of year for giving and giving back by all. It is an opportunity taken by most to help others in need in various ways and the Rotary Club of Port of Spain (RCPOS) will be attempting a new approach to leverage this spirit of benevolence with its 1st Bi-Annual Mega Sweepstakes.
RCPOS 1st Bi-Annual Mega Sweepstakes
Sean Paddy
2017-09-26 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Sean Paddy on Sep 12, 2017
On Sunday September 10th 2017, the air around Port of Spain was filled with pleasant aromas and melodic sounds emanating from the National Academy for the Performing Arts where the Rotary Club of Port of Spain (RCPOS) and Trinidad and Tobago Restaurant Week (TTRW) held the first annual TTRW Showcase.
RCPOS / TTRW 2017 Showcase
Sean Paddy
2017-09-12 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Sean Paddy on Sep 01, 2017
More than 775 million people over the age of 15 are illiterate. That’s 17 percent of the world’s adult population. Rotary's goal is to strengthen the capacity of communities to support basic education and literacy, reduce gender disparity in education, and increase adult literacy. Rotary supports education for all children and literacy for children and adults.
SEPTEMBER Is Basic Education & Literacy Month
Sean Paddy
2017-09-01 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Sean Paddy on Aug 31, 2017
Since 1 July, 2016, the Rotary Club of Edina Morningside, Minnesota, USA, has recruited 31 new members. They have grown from a medium to a large-sized club in their district at 93 members. Tom Gump, club president and a district trainer, shares 10 tips for replicating their success, the latest in our series of blog posts for Membership and Club Development Month.
10 Tips To Attract and Retain Quality Members
Sean Paddy
2017-08-31 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Sean Paddy on Aug 29, 2017
UNICEF and the World Health Organization have produced a nearly-four-minute video thanking Rotary and its members for protecting the world’s children against polio for more than 30 years. Every dollar you have donated and every drop of vaccine you have helped administer have brought us one step closer to a polio-free world. This video is a powerful reminder of the positive impact Rotarians have made around the world. Watch it now...
Goodbye Polio, Thank You Rotary!
Sean Paddy
2017-08-29 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Sean Paddy on Aug 24, 2017
People donate money to good causes for all sorts of reasons; it could be a personal connection to a community in need, a debt of gratitude for a past kindness, or a desire to leave a legacy. Rotary asked eight people around the world what motivates them to give to The Rotary Foundation — and to keep giving — and the answers were as diverse as our membership. Here are their stories...
Eight Rotary Donors Who Are Changing The World
Sean Paddy
2017-08-24 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Sean Paddy on Aug 22, 2017
Help Launch Rotary's New Global "People of Action" Ad Campaign Rotary has created a new global ad campaign called "People of Action." The campaign is based on research that revealed that while many people have heard of Rotary, few actually understand what Rotary clubs do. By downloading our materials in the Brand Center, we can begin telling our club's story in a consistent, compelling way. Here's what you need to know.
Bringing Rotary's Brand To Life
Sean Paddy
2017-08-22 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Sean Paddy on Aug 15, 2017
Barry Rassin, of the Rotary Club of East Nassau, New Providence, Bahamas, is the selection of the Nominating Committee for President of Rotary International for 2018-19. He will be declared the president-elect on 1 September if no challenging candidates have been suggested.
Barry Rassin: 2018-19 Rotary International President
Sean Paddy
2017-08-15 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Sean Paddy on Aug 08, 2017
Why It’s Not Good Enough Just To Bring In New Members One of the biggest conversations around Rotary these days is membership growth. There are quite a few stories flying around and all of them provide good advice. But there is a second topic that is as important, if not more so, than membership acquisition, and that is retention. What can we do to keep these members we have worked so hard to bring in?
Membership Growth & Retention
Sean Paddy
2017-08-08 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Sean Paddy on Aug 01, 2017
Are You Finding It A Challenge To Inspire and Engage New Members?
AUGUST Is Membership and New Club Development Month
Sean Paddy
2017-08-01 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Sean Paddy on Jul 18, 2017
Does your club make effective use of social media? Social media has revolutionized the way we connect with our friends, family and acquaintances in our network. Through their pictures and online posts, we can tap into their likes and dislikes, which effectively can have an impact on you. It has become a portal of advocacy - a way to get the word out, and often, we even see viral trends. It isn't as simple as just having a presence however.
Tactical Ways To Use Social Media To Promote Rotary
Sean Paddy
2017-07-18 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Sean Paddy on Jul 11, 2017
RI President Ian H.S. Riseley recognizes the importance of Rotary clubs defining service for themselves and their communities. During the 2017-18 year, President Riseley encourages Rotary members to answer the question “What is Rotary?” with the theme Rotary: Making a Difference.
Making A Difference Through Vocational Service
Sean Paddy
2017-07-11 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Sean Paddy on Jul 01, 2017
Message From 2017-2018 RCPOS President
JULY Is New Leadership Month
Sean Paddy
2017-07-01 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Sean Paddy on Jun 22, 2017
Rotary International was excited to reveal a new public image campaign, People of Action, at this year’s Rotary International Convention in Atlanta, Georgia, USA. As Rotarians from all over the world came to Atlanta, they experienced and learnt about this global campaign for the first time at the convention, held at Atlanta’s Georgia World Congress Center, 10-14 June 2017.
Unveiling People of Action Campaign
Sean Paddy
2017-06-22 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Sean Paddy on May 19, 2017
MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENTIn response to feedback from Rotary clubs around the world, RI wants to let clubs know about an important change that may affect their annual respective Rotary membership number. This change will ensure that all 2016-17 membership achievements are accurately recorded and that a club’s July invoice reflects the correct membership at the beginning of the new Rotary year.
Changes On How Membership Numbers Are Counted
Sean Paddy
2017-05-19 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Sean Paddy on May 17, 2017
Rotary is working with Google’s virtual reality team to offer an experience that showcases the impact of compassion to a global audience. Rotary is producing a three-minute virtual reality film that emphasizes the two themes of polio and peace, and how Rotary’s work to eradicate the disease is increasing stability across the world.
Rotary Uses Virtual Reality To Inspire Others
Sean Paddy
2017-05-17 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Sean Paddy on May 15, 2017
To celebrate its 100th year, The Rotary Foundation is recognizing 20 global grants that are sustainable, align with one of Rotary’s areas of focus and were designed in cooperation with the community to address a real need. The Rotarians who helped bring these projects to life share advice. What makes a great project?
Tips For A Successful Rotary Project
Sean Paddy
2017-05-15 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Sean Paddy on Apr 20, 2017
How do you communicate with your community about your club? Are prospective members hearing about who you are and what you do? A great first impression increases clubs’ chances of getting new members. If your club is looking to increase membership and/or promote its unique culture, events, and service projects, you can customize a club brochure and edit the content or upload your own photos to make a distinctive promotional pamphlet.
Promote Your Club With New Rotary Resources
Sean Paddy
2017-04-20 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Sean Paddy on Apr 10, 2017
When Rotary International introduced Rotary Club Central in 2012, it revolutionized goal tracking and planning for clubs and districts — no more filling out paper club-planning forms or passing along boxes of historical club information every time a new leader took office. Rotary Club Central offered clubs and districts a quantifiable way to begin measuring local and global impact, specifically membership initiatives, service activities, and Rotary Foundation giving. But as with any technological advancement, in a few short years, Rotary Club Central began to show its age, and Rotarians took notice. They wanted a tool that was more robust, faster to use, and easier to navigate. It was time for an upgrade.
Rotary Club Central Is Getting A Big Upgrade In 2017
Sean Paddy
2017-04-10 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Sean Paddy on Mar 30, 2017
We live in a world where email can quickly get out of control. Yet, for all its faults, it’s one of the best online methods of reaching your audience and getting them to take action. When a person signs up for your newsletter, odds are they are interested in your organization and what it has to offer.
Boost Membership & Engagement With An E-Newsletter
Sean Paddy
2017-03-30 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Sean Paddy on Mar 16, 2017
In response to survey results, Rotary International has been working to improve the learning experience for club leaders. First, the September mailing of club officer manuals to district governors-elect will move to July this year. The manual Lead Your Club: President will be the only club resource mailed. Other resources will be emailed or appear online.
2017 Change In Club Leadership Resources
Sean Paddy
2017-03-16 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Sean Paddy on Feb 20, 2017
Equip your club leaders with a new resource that they and their members can use to promote Rotary’s values, history, and membership benefits. Download the Discover Rotary presentation, available in regional versions, from the Membership page of My Rotary. Use this PowerPoint at to introduce Rotary to the public, including prospective member members.
New RI Resources & Upcoming Webinars
Sean Paddy
2017-02-20 05:00:00Z |
Posted by Sean Paddy on Feb 04, 2017
Learn about the new Grant Center: In December, Rotary debuted the new Grant Center, which features both a new look and a streamlined grant application. You can learn more about the new system in How to Use the Grant Center. In April, RI will also host a webinar to introduce new users to the Grant Center.
Rotary Giving & Grants: New Grant Center
Sean Paddy
2017-02-04 05:00:00Z |
Posted by Sean Paddy on Jan 28, 2017
Did you know that Rotary International receives inquiries from approximately 800-1,000 prospective members worldwide each week? RI gathers their information, forwards it to Rotary districts, and asks the districts to match the potential members with clubs. But only a few clubs used these leads to increase their membership in 2015-16. These prospective members are an untapped resource that can help clubs reach their membership goals this year.
Tapping Into Rotary’s Membership Resources
Sean Paddy
2017-01-28 05:00:00Z |
Posted by Sean Paddy on Jan 19, 2017
It’s a new year, and here’s something you can resolve to do for your club and for Rotary in 2017...Think about the last time someone gave you a “word-of-mouth referral” that influenced your decision to do something. Maybe a friend shared a new favorite restaurant over Facebook, or your neighbor recommended a plumber. Or maybe it was that friendly suggestion to come along to a Rotary club meeting that got you involved in Rotary in the first place. Regardless, you probably acted on the referral, in part, because it came from someone you trust! If you’re passionate about Rotary, District 7030 encourages you this year to become an ambassador for your own club — and more importantly for Rotary — by using your “word-of-mouth referral” power.
Stand Up And Be An Ambassador For Rotary
Sean Paddy
2017-01-19 05:00:00Z |
Posted by Sean Paddy on Jan 11, 2017
Discover how your club can use the new club flexibility policies of Rotary International to adapt your club experience to fit the needs of your members and attract new ones. The policies allow clubs great latitude in deciding when, where, and how you meet.
How Can Flexibility Help Your Club?
Sean Paddy
2017-01-11 05:00:00Z |
Posted by Sean Paddy on Oct 22, 2016
Does your club make effective use of social media? Social media has revolutionized the way we connect with our friends, family and acquaintances in our network. Through their pictures and online posts, we can tap into their likes and dislikes, which effectively can have an impact on you. It has become a portal of advocacy - a way to get the word out, and often, we even see viral trends. It isn't as simple as just having a presence however.
Tactical Ways To Use Social Media To Promote Rotary
Sean Paddy
2016-10-22 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Sean Paddy on Sep 26, 2016
The 2017 Rotary Has Heart program is a Community Service Program which is a continuation from last year’s program, originally initiated by PRID Anne L. Matthews and expanded by PRID Robert Hall and now continued by RID Joe Mulkerrin. Zones 33-34 want all of its approximately 1600 clubs in the 29 districts to do a community service project in the 1st quarter of 2016 and let the community be aware of what Rotary is doing. In so doing, we as Rotarians, can help those in need and improve Rotary’s image in each of our communities at the same time. The Rotary Foundation Trustees and RI Board consider this awareness a critical element in our membership strategy which is key to Rotary’s future. This is especially important in Zones 33-34. Therefore, publicity is a key requirement for Rotary Has Heart.
Rotary Has Heart 2017
Sean Paddy
2016-09-26 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Sean Paddy on Aug 23, 2016
August is membership and club development month, a time to focus on and appreciate your members, celebrate their devotion to the club and the impact they have made. It's also a time to think about developing strategies around growing your membership. The reason why Rotary is such a successful organization is because it is full of members that have one trait in common - the passion to make a difference in the world. All of us share this passion and it's what drives us to work together.
Ideas To Develop Membership Retention & Recruitment Strategies
Sean Paddy
2016-08-23 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Sean Paddy on Jul 21, 2016
How many of us really know about the various committees maintained by District 7030 and established to assist clubs and members? Do we know who are part of these committees or even what each is charged with or responsible for each Rotary year? Your District PR Team is pleased to announce a new section of the website dedicated to informing club leaders and Rotarians in general about the specific district committees in 7030 and to help you connect with them to better assist your clubs in meeting its goals and objectives.
Getting To Know Your District Committees
Sean Paddy
2016-07-21 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Sean Paddy on Jun 19, 2016
Learning transfer refers to the degree to which an individual applies previously learned knowledge and skills to new situations. It is the primary reason for formal learning interventions—like courses, as well as informal interventions—explaining how to perform a task at a meeting.
Why Is Learning Transfer So Hard?
Sean Paddy
2016-06-19 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Sean Paddy on Jun 13, 2016
If there is one absolute truth about millennials, it is this: Anyone who says there is an absolute truth about millennials risks being subjected to their collective eye roll. Millennials are individuals, and fiercely so. According to the Pew Research Center, most of them don’t even like being called “millennials,” let alone hearing generalizations about their shared attitudes and behaviors.
What Millennials Love About Rotary
Sean Paddy
2016-06-13 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Sean Paddy on Jun 11, 2016
COUNCIL ON LEGISLATION The 2016 Council on Legislation may well be remembered as one of the most progressive in Rotary history. Not only did this Council grant clubs more freedom in determining their meeting schedule and membership, it also approved an increase in per capita dues of $4 a year for three years. The increase will be used to enhance Rotary’s website, improve online tools, and add programs and services to help clubs increase membership.
RI Council Grants Clubs Greater Flexibility In Meetings & Membership
Sean Paddy
2016-06-11 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Sean Paddy on Jun 06, 2016
By sponsoring an Interact club, your club invested in young leaders in your community. You helped them take action for positive change and discover the power of Rotary. Before the end of the Rotary year, there are two simple steps you can take to help Interactors continue their Rotary journeys. By fulfilling this important responsibility, you can strengthen the connections between Interact and Rotary and leave a positive legacy in your club.
Take Action Now! 2 Steps To Keep Your Interact Club Alive
Sean Paddy
2016-06-06 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Sean Paddy on May 31, 2016
Prior to the start of a new Rotary year, the District PR Team is happy to announce that the Club Officer & Committee Resource Section of the District Website is now available. This section contains a comprehensive listing and links to helpful and guiding materials for the various personnel in your clubs.
D7030 Launches Club Officer & Committee Resource Section
Sean Paddy
2016-05-31 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Sean Paddy on May 20, 2016
Why Use Club Runner?
Sean Paddy
2016-05-20 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Sean Paddy on Apr 09, 2016
Using Social Media In Rotary
Sean Paddy
2016-04-09 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Sean Paddy on Jan 12, 2016
The 2016 Rotary Has Heart program is a Community Service Program which is a continuation from last year’s program, originally initiated by PRID Anne L. Matthews and expanded by DIR Robert Hall. Zones 33-34 want all of its approximately 1600 clubs in the 29 districts to do a community service project in the 1st quarter of 2016 and let the community be aware of what Rotary is doing. In so doing, we as Rotarians, can help those in need and improve Rotary’s image in each of our communities at the same time. The Rotary Foundation Trustees and RI Board consider this awareness a critical element in our membership strategy which is key to Rotary’s future. This is especially important in Zones 33-34. Therefore, publicity is a key requirement for Rotary Has Heart.
Rotary Has Heart 2016
Sean Paddy
2016-01-12 05:00:00Z |
Posted by Sean Paddy on Oct 28, 2015
What do we as Rotarians really know and understand about grants in Rotary? Most members in our District are unaware of the what grants are available to their club and how to go about applying for grants.
What You Should Know About Rotary Grants
Sean Paddy
2015-10-28 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Sean Paddy on Oct 26, 2015
One of the most common areas of concern and, unfortunately, causes for some frustration in our District, deals with a Club's online presence. Some clubs are pretty adept at sharing their information and updates via the web and social media; while others find it hard to produce the information necessary or committ the time needed or sustain the personnel responsible. Information provided here tackles how you can enhance your club (or district’s) online presence with topics ranging from "Why creating a digital communications strategy can help Rotary", to "How to get the most out of social media" and "Quick fixes to enhance your website".
Maximizing Your Online Presence
Sean Paddy
2015-10-26 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Sean Paddy on Oct 24, 2015
Whether you're a new or veteran Rotarian, take advantage of a wealth of training materials designed to help you learn new skills and become more successful in what you do in your Club and be of greater service. The Rotary Learning Center allows us all to enhance our understanding and practice in several areas, including: Goal Setting,, Membership, Professional Development, Rotary Grants, Rotary's Strategic Plan, Service Projects and The Rotary Foundation.
Have You Visited the Rotary Learning Center?
Sean Paddy
2015-10-24 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Sean Paddy on Oct 21, 2015
Understanding The Big Picture Of Rotary
Sean Paddy
2015-10-21 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Sean Paddy on Oct 13, 2015
WHAT IS SHELTERBOX? ShelterBox is an international disaster relief charity that delivers emergency shelter, warmth and dignity to people affected by disaster worldwide. ShelterBox instantly responds to earthquake, volcano, flood, hurricane, cyclone, tsunami or conflict by delivering boxes of aid. If there are families in need of emergency shelter, ShelterBox will do everything it can to help them rebuild their lives in the aftermath of a disaster.
ShelterBox & Rotary
Sean Paddy
2015-10-13 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Sean Paddy on Oct 02, 2015
Public Relations and Public Image in Rotary does not have to be difficult or scare any Rotarian. While every club should have a designated persons or team dedicated to planning and executing a public relations and public image club strategy for the year, it is up to every member to represent the ideals, philosophy, integrity and objectives of a club...whether in speaking to others about the successes of a club or in communication with media about club projects and activities or in reaching out to communities, groups and individuals in search of support for a club. There are a few simple guidelines that every club can adopt and practice as part of its public relations and public image strategy and find success during the year...
Public Relations Cheat Sheet
Sean Paddy
2015-10-02 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Sean Paddy on Oct 01, 2015
Sheila Bethel District 7020 Public Image Chair & Zone 34 Assistant Rotary Public Image Coordinator For years, we described Rotary by the numbers: 1,220,115 members in 34,558 clubs in 200 countries and regions. Impressive figures, for sure, but they only tell part of our story. What numbers can't convey is the essence of Rotary –- what sets us apart and inspires people to get involved.
Strengthening Rotary's Image
Sean Paddy
2015-10-01 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Sean Paddy on Sep 30, 2015
Ken Solo 2015-2016 District 7620 Governor Growing the membership of your Rotary club is all about the value you provide for prospective members. The value equation is relatively simple and looks something like this: local and community service + networking and business development + professional growth and leadership opportunities + fellowship + fun / cost of membership = Value of Rotary. We tend to focus on the numerator in this equation all of the time. ( er…the numerator was all the stuff before the divisor “/” sign.) Today we are going to focus on the denominator, for the good reasons of 1) cost of membership is cold and lonely and we just don’t talk about it enough, and 2) it is the quickest way to improve the value equation.
Eight Ways To Reduce The Cost Of Rotary Membership
Sean Paddy
2015-09-30 04:00:00Z |
Posted by Sean Paddy on Sep 18, 2015
The good you do comes back to you. Rotary members can enjoy discounts on travel, hotels, dining, entertainment, and more through Rotary Global Rewards, a new member benefit program that began 1st July 2015. Anyone can view the offers, but only Rotary members who sign in to their My Rotary accounts can redeem the discounts.
Rotary Global Rewards
Sean Paddy
2015-09-18 04:00:00Z |